
Showing posts from January, 2020

How to 180 on skis

In order to 180 on skis with speed you must be confident going into the jump and fully commit to it. When you are at the top of the jump you need to spring off the ground and twist your body and land facing backwards. This is hard to do because you need to know how to ski backwards in order to do this.

Big jumps on skis

In a previous post i explained the technique to doing large jumps on skis. Here is a video of me doing it.

How to 180 on a snowboard?

In order to 180 when jumping on a snowboard you must first learn how to jump which will be explained better on a post coming out later today. But the basics of it are getting a good speed that is not too fast or slow and committing to the jump. You must also be balanced before you jump. Here is a video of me doing a 180 on a snowboard. This is a simple trick that is helpful to get from one side to another when standing still or to do when hitting a jump.

How to do Large Jumps when skiing?

In order to do bigger jumps when skiing you must go into a jump with enough speed to make it over the top part and onto the downhill part of the jump. But, before doing any of this you must practice your technique for basic jumps. You must bend your knees and keep your body over the middle of your skis in order to stay balanced when you spring up into the air. The picture below shows the 5 steps to jumping. Doing big jumps on skis is much different. In order to do a bigger jump you MUST get enough speed to jump off the lip of the jump and land on the downhill. If you do not get enough speed you will land on the flat part of the landing and it will result in a more painful landing.